Monday, February 21, 2011


Living in Southern California has many benefits. Living between the mountains and beach is one of them. On President's Day we went to our local mountains, Mt. Baldy, with Papa, Caleb, and Auntie Brandy. We left early and got there before the crowd. The weather was beautiful. We spent a few hours sledding, observing others, and making snow angels. Addison even went on a ride with Daddy. It was a great day!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

8 Months

Addison: -Is 25 lbs. -Wearing size 12-18 month clothes -Will scoot and find you anywhere -Wants to stand up all the time -Likes shaking her head no -Wearing size 4 diapers -Puts everything into her mouth -Sits in a highchair when we go out to eat -Still is a great sleeper -Is genuinely a happy baby -Will not just let anyone hold her -Loves her babysitter, Margie

Monday, February 14, 2011

Love Day

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Teething means everything goes in your mouth, including the table.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


We planned to go to Disneyland on Friday, February 11th, because we had the day off of school for Lincoln's Birthday. Daddy texted me at work Thursday afternoon that he got us a hotel for that night. We were super excited!! I rushed home after work and packed a few things and off we went. We were able to spend a few hrs. at Disneyland that evening. We then ate dinner at Downtown Disney. The next morning we had breakfast at Goofy's Kitchen and then spent the rest of the day at the park. It was a great time. It was super fun watching Addison look at all of the characters!