Monday, January 31, 2011


Addison has finally started to eat food and not just drink her bottle. She loves bananas, sweet potatoes, and squash. I just couldn't pass up this adorable face! She is one messy eater!

Sunday, January 30, 2011


I am so blessed to have two adorable and sweet girls that I can call my daughters!

Cute dresses from the Klein Family for Christmas


Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Wednesdays can be magical. I have minimum day at school on Wednesdays and Colin doesn't have work, so we spent the afternoon and evening at Disneyland with the Kleins. The weather was good and the park was not crowded at all. We didn't stay late, but we were all exhausted the next day when it was back to the real world of work/school/babysitting.

7 Months

-Wears 12-18 month clothes
-Rolls all around
-Scoots and gets anywhere she wants
-Is eating much better
-Is maxing out size 3 diapers
-Is pretty much happy all the time
-Loves her dog, Violet
-Loves when you sing to her
-Presses her radio on when she is awake in her bed
-Won't just go to anybody
-Loves her big sister, Hailey, more than anything
-Thinks everything Hailey does is hilarious
-Doesn't stay still when you change her
-Likes to sit with us at the kitchen table

Saturday, January 15, 2011

It Took Awhile

It did take awhile, but Addie is rolling all around now. It is official, Addie can now roll from her belly to her back. Not only can she roll from her belly to back, buy she is rollin all over the carpet to get around. It is so fun to watch!

I'm free to go where I please!

Check out my toothers!

Friday, January 14, 2011


Last Christmas Colin and I purchased a large picture of the Redlands Temple that was personalized with our sealing date. It is a picture that I admire on a daily basis. So, we couldn't pass up the opportunity for purchasing one for GGPA and GGMA. We didn't really have an occasion, but we couldn't hold on to it either. So, GGPA and GGMA got a surprise gift. We also had it personalized with their sealing date. We hope they love it as much as we love ours.

You Would Have Never Known

You would have never known from these adorable pictures that our Addie Mae has an ear infection, pneumonia, and bronchiolitis. Yes, our poor little girl is sick. We had a few days where she was coughing so much she was choking. We had to take her to Kaiser for a breathing treatment which led to us doing more at home. Thankfully it didn't last for very long. Addie was such an amazing sick baby. She wanted a little more snuggles, but for the most part she was just happy.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 Here We Come

We rang in the New Year at home as a family. Addison had a slight fever so I didn't want to take her out. We hung out in the game room where we had a picnic and watched movies. I am just thankful we were all able to be together. Addison went to bed early. Daddy and Hailey stayed up until midnight. I fell asleep about 30 minutes early, but Hailey made sure I was awake in time to celebrate. We toasted with our sparkling cider and went to bed. Happy 2011!

Don't mind the way I look in these pictures... I can't believe I am even posting them!!


Picnic style

The movie

The girls

The toast